Steps for Smart Contract Developers
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This page is dedicated to the overall workflow guidelines which smart contract developers can follow. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth deployment process for your new upgraded smart contracts.
The below diagram represents the steps which need to be done in order to register your smart contract with the KRNL Operating System, kOS.
The following list is the same checklist as from the diagram above, but in more detail:
Choose kernel(s) from the KRNL platform.
Explore how the selected kernel(s) works. Some kernels are on-chain, some are off-chain web API. Kernel providers are variety. They might require API keys, subscriptions, or others. Some kernels are free to use, some are paid.
Define your rules in Token Authority. After selecting kernel(s), you will have to write the rules and criteria that suit with that selected kernel(s). For example, if that kernel offers KYC function, which gives wallet scores based on wallet address. You may set the threshold, as in "walletScore > 10".
Deploy Token Authority on a confidential blockchain network. TA is a guard that protects your smart contract. Privacy is the concern.
Public key from Token Authority will be obtained after deployment. Note down and save this TA public key, it will be used later.
Modify your smart contract. For enabling your smart contract to be compatible with kOS, it has to be modified by adding a modifier into your function. That function will be protected from the selected kernel(s) during the transactions.
Public key as a constructor. The noted public key from Token Authority from the earlier stage would be used as one of constructors here when you are deploying your smart contract.
Deploy your smart contract. Save the deployed smart contract address, it will be used for registering through KRNL Platform.
Register on KRNL Platform.